Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

Sometimes you just happen to come across the ultimate bargain. I found mine today. An error in the sticker price paid off big for me. I got almost 1/2 pound of ham for $.01. No coupon needed! I always check at the end of the case where they package up the lunch meat ends. We pack our lunches, so it would normally cost a ton of money each week, but I can always find a nice variety of ends...last week was the most fabulous peppered roast beef. Gotta say, this week was even better. :)


~Kim~ said...

That's so cool! I once bought a huge ham for 86-cents because of an error like that -- I did ask about it before I bought it, I don't want to cheat a store out of their money, but they assured me it was their mistake, so I could have it!

Vicki and Noel said...

I asked the lady at the deli and her response was "lucky you!". I was happy for the rest of the day. haha I would have been jumping up and down on the price of that whole ham though!